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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Sonata No.16 K545, 1st Movement Piano Tutorial
Also known as "Sonata Facile", the Sonata No.16 was written by Mozart in 1788. The Sonata includes three movements. The first movement is at the tempo of Allegro and in the key of C Major. It is one of Mozart's most famous piano pieces.
Gracias!!! he podido parender nuevas canciones! y aprender partituras, es muy enriquecedor tener la partitura y las teclas marcadas a la vez con el audio!!!! GRACIAS!!!!
9 years ago | Reply
This is so easy for me!
9 years ago | Reply
10/14/2014."Greetings..."!. To study "PIANO", is an "Special Instrument", that is necessary to urdenstand, that is "DIFFICULT" the "First Times". Because is necessary so much "PATIENCE", and DEDICATION, because is a study por "ALL LIFE"!.
9 months ago | Reply
Gracias!!! he podido parender nuevas canciones! y aprender partituras, es muy enriquecedor tener la partitura y las teclas marcadas a la vez con el audio!!!! GRACIAS!!!!
9 years ago | Reply
This is so easy for me! :-)
9 years ago | Reply
10/14/2014."Greetings..."!. To study "PIANO", is an "Special Instrument", that is necessary to urdenstand, that is "DIFFICULT" the "First Times". Because is necessary so much "PATIENCE", and DEDICATION, because is a study por "ALL LIFE"!.
9 years ago | Reply
looks easy but of course,TIRING
9 years ago | Reply