"Peaches" is a song from the 2023 film "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" (based, of course, on the legendary Nintendo video game series). It is performed by Jack Black in his role as Bowser (the evil King of the Koopas), and became an internet sensation after its release!
super mario bros peaches bowser loves this song
2 months ago | Reply
This one is for my one and only true love: Princess Peach. Peaaaachhhhh, you're so cool!! And with my star, we're gonna rule! Peach, understand!!! I'm gonna lovee ya till the very end!!! PEACHES PEACHES, PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES I LOOOOOOVEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU OOOOOHHH! PEACHES PEACHES, PEACHES PEACHES
1 year ago | Reply
This one is for my one and only true love: Princess Peach. Peaaaachhhhh, you're so cool!! And with my star, we're gonna rule! Peach, understand!!! I'm gonna lovee ya till the very end!!! PEACHES PEACHES, PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES I LOOOOOOVEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU OOOOOHHH! PEACHES PEACHES, PEACHES PEACHES PEAC
1 year ago | Reply
1 year ago | Reply