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Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding On Piano Tutorial
"Keep Holding On" in its current version was not meant to appear on Lavigne's third album, but the original version was buried on the last minute. The song became highly popular following its appearance as the theme song of the 2006 film, "Eragon".
omg I love the original song but this is really bad.
1 decade ago | Reply
Am I the only one that gets stressed when I can't do something? In other words this?
1 decade ago | Reply
The thing that sucks when I try to learn Avril, is that I wanna learn the melody alone and not the words with it, but the right hand always combines both, which makes it hard to decipher wat is the actual piano part, and what is her voice... :/
i love it but at first, it's so complicated
8 years ago | Reply
this doesn't sound right, which is disappointing.
1 decade ago | Reply
omg I love the original song but this is really bad.
1 decade ago | Reply
Am I the only one that gets stressed when I can't do something? In other words this?
1 decade ago | Reply
The thing that sucks when I try to learn Avril, is that I wanna learn the melody alone and not the words with it, but the right hand always combines both, which makes it hard to decipher wat is the actual piano part, and what is her voice... :/
1 decade ago | Reply